With over 100 leading actors!

Styrassic Park tells the story of the coelacanth, the bulbous Triceratops and the Tyrannosaurus Rex – the king of the dinosaurs. Some of them are brought to life during the tour. At 11am and 3pm, the living dinosaur will be let out of its cave!

Over 100 handmade works of art

For over 20 years, the now 75-year-old Ukrainian artist and grandfather of the house, Boris Tverdochlip, has been depicting the Mesozoic era with over 100 life-size works. And it’s not just dinosaurs that he brings almost as vividly to life as when they were alive; the artist also transforms their ancestors and descendants and 7 million years of human history from cement into statues that bring a long-forgotten time before our eyes.

Primeval giant Gigantor Raptor!

A creature straight out of a fantasy film – 3.5m high, 8m long. It’s hard to believe that this flightless prehistoric giant actually existed. The only specimen to date was found in Mongolia and apart from casts of it, it is not on display in any museum in the world. You won’t find the original bones here at Styrassic Park, but you will find the life-size replica, which was created by our Ukrainian artist, Boris Tverdochlib.

T-REX is alive!

Begegne den geheimnisvollen Theropoden! Täglich um 11 Uhr und um 15 Uhr wird das 6m lange und 3m große fleischfressende Reptil aus seiner Höhle gelassen!

The heirs of the dinosaurs!

Vor 66 Millionen Jahren löschte ein Meteoroid die Dinosaurier aus, doch der Planet erholte sich schnell. Die neuen Lebensbedingungen öffneten Raum für jene Tiere, die es nicht leicht hatten inmitten der gigantischen Dinosaurier. Schnee und Kälte störten sie nicht – die Zeit der Säugetiere ist angebrochen und bei uns im Styrassic Park wird die Vielfalt der Eiszeit zum Greifen nah dargestellt. Du kannst Dir vorstellen, wie einst unsere Vorfahren ein Mamut jagten und wenn du dich traust, kannst du einem Säbelzahntiger direkt in die Augen blicken.

7 million years of human history!

There are around 7 million years between a hominid walking upright in Africa and the internet as we know it today. In between lies an incredible story – evolution in its purest form. From the formation of groups to the discovery of fire, the use of tools and the creation of cave paintings are presented by us in the park as if you had been there.

Guided tours

Guided tours possible at any time (9:00 – 17:00)! Let us take you on a journey through the Mesozoic era! Using a QR code, you can listen to the most exciting facts at the respective stations in the form of a video tour or read them directly from the information board.


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